Азиатско-Европейско-Тихоокеанская школа по физике высоких энергий
Asia Europe Pacific School of High-Energy Physics (AEPSHEP-2014)

Rohini Godbole (Centre for Theoretical Studies (CTS))
Field Theory & EW SM (Теория поля. Стандартная модель электрослабых взаимодействий)
a) Setting up the notation of the SM Lagrangian, including Higgs mechanism. b)The miracles of the particle spectrum of the SM: Anomaly cancellation and the Custodial symmetry! c) How one can understand the development of the SM also in terms of taming the bad high energy behavior of the scattering amplitudes! Prediction of new particles and their masses in the SM: d) GIM and prediction of Mc from the observed mass difference KL– KS. The ’first’ use of an indirect effect to predict a mass! e) Test of EW unification with the determination of sin θw and resultant test of a unified gauge field theoretic description of Electro Weak interactions.
a) Radiative corrections in a spontaneously broken gauge theory, oblique corrections and precision testing of the SM. b)’Indirect’ determination of the mass of the top and Higgs!
a)Theoretical bounds on the Higgs mass b) Implications of the measured mass of the Higgs for the SM! i.e the scale unto which SM can be consistent without any additional physics
Isabelle Wingerter (LAPP-CNRS)
Instrumentation & Detectors ((Измерительные приборы и детекторы)
Wouter Verkerke (NIKHEF (NL))
Practical Statistics for Particle Physicists (Статистика в физике частиц)
Basics Concepts
Composite hypothesis, Nuisance Parameters
Dealing with systematic uncertainties
Sourendu Gupta (TIFR)
Heavy-Ion Physics (Физика тяжелых ионов)
Seung Joon Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KR))
Flavour Physics & CP Violation (Физика ароматов и нарушение CP-инвариантности)
Motivation, and Basic Introduction to Flavor Physics
Flavor and CP Violation in the meson mixings and decays
OPE, Effective Theories for heavy flavors.
New Physics Puzzle & Implication on BSM flavor structure. Flavor Physics at the LHC era
Koichi Hamaguchi (University of Tokyo)
Higgs Physics & BSM (Хиггсовская физика. За границами стандартной модели)

0. Introduction
1. Higgs
2. Beyond the Standard Model
    2.1. puzzles in SM = hints of BSM
    2.2. renormalization and naturalness
    3.1. motivations
    3.2. supersymmetry
    3.3. MSSM (minimal SUSY Standard Model)
    3.4. MSSM Lagrangian
Peter Skands (CERN)
QCD (Квантовая хромодинамика)
Fundamentals of QCD
PDFs, Fixed-Order QCD, and Jet Algorithms
Parton Showers and Event Generators
QCD in the Infrared
Valery Rubakov (INR Moscow)
Cosmology (Космология)
Lecture 1

Expanding Universe
Dark matter: evidence
Lecture 2
Warm dark matter
    Sterile neutrino
Dark matter summary
Baryon asymmetry of the Universe
    Electroweak baryon numberr non-conservation
Lecture 3
Electroweak baryogenesis. What can make it work?
Before the hot epoch
    Cosmological perturbations
        Regimes of evolution
        Acoustic oscillations: evidence for pre-hot epoch
    Inflation and alternatives
    BICEP-2 saga
    Calculation of WIMP mass density
    Estimating axion mass density
    Wave equation in expanding Universe
    Dark energy
    CMB anisotropies, BAO and recent Universe
    Anthropic principle/Environmentalism
Zhi-Zhong Xing (IHEP)
Neutrino Physics (Физика нейтрино)
Neutrinos from new physics
Interactions and discoveries
Flavors / families of leptons
The 3X3 Neutrino Mixing Matrix
Neutrino Oscillations in Vacuum
Neutrino Oscillations in Matter
How to Generate Neutrino Mass
3 Typical Seesaw Mechanisms
The Leptogenesis Mechanism
Atsut Suzuki (KEK)
Particle Physics in Asia
Naba Mondal (Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research (IN))
HEP in India
Rolf Heuer (CERN)
Particle Physics in Europe

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