- Luis Alvarez-Gaume (CERN)
- Field Theory and the EW Standard Model

- Juan Garcia-Bellido (IFT Madrid)
- Cosmology
- Maria Teresa Dova (UNLP and CONICET)
- Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays
- Fabio Maltoni (UC Louvain-CP3)
- Yosef Nir (Weizmann Institute)
- Flavour Physics and CP Violation

- Gustavo Burdman (USP)
- Beyond the Standard Model
- Kyle Stuart Cranmer (NYU)
- Statistics for Particle Physicists
- Werner Riegler (CERN)
- Instrumentation
- Oscar Gonzalez Lopez (CIEMAT)
- LHC Results Highlights
- Eduardo Fraga (UFRJ)
- QCD Under Extreme Conditions
- Concha Gonzalez-Garcia (Stony Brook & U. Barcelona)
- Neutrino Physics
