Practical Statistics
1: The Basics
- What is it?
- Frequentist Probability
- Conditional Probability and Bayes’ Theorem
Bayesian Probability
Probability distributions and their properties
- Expectation Values
- Binomial, Poisson and Gaussian
Hypothesis testing
2: Estimation and Errors
- Bias
- Efficiency
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Least squares
- Straight line fits
Fitting Histograms
- Errors from Likelihood
- Asymmetric Errors
Systematic Errors
Lecture 3: Setting Limits and making discoveries
 Goodness of Fit
- p−values
- The χ2 distribution
- Wilks’ Theorerm
- Toy Monte Carlos and Likelihood for Goodness of Fit
Upper Limits
- Frequentist Confidence
- Confidence Belts
- Coverage
- Bayesian Intervals
- Feldman-Cousins
Making a Discovery
- Sigma language
- The Look Elsewhere Effect
- Blind Analysis
Alexander Bednyakov
Field Theory and the E-W Standard Model
Lecture I

Lecture II

Lecture III

Jamie Boyd
LHC Run-2 and Future

Brief discussion on LHC
Highlights from LHC results in Run-2, and future prospects
Jo van den Brand
Special Lecture on
Gravitational Waves 
John Ellis
Higgs Physics
Lecture I

Lecture II

Concha Gonzalez-Garcia
Neutrino Physics
Lecture I

- Historic Introduction
- Neutrinos in the SM
- Neutrino Properties: Helicity versus Chirality, Majorana versus Dirac
- Neutrino Mass Terms Beyond the SM: Dirac, Majorana, the See-Saw Mechanisms,
Lepton Mixing
- Probes of Neutrino Mass Scale
Lecture II

- Neutrino Oscillations in Vacuum
- Experimental Probes
- Atmospheric Neutrinos
- Accelerator Neutrinos at Long Baselines
- Reactor Neutrinos
- Solar Neutrinos
Lecture III

- Fitting all Together: The New Minimal Standard Model
- Beyond the 3-nu paradigm
Some Implications
Valery Rubakov
Cosmology and Dark Matter
Lecture I

- Expanding Universe
- Dark matter: evidence
Lecture II

- WIMP search
- Dark matter axions
- Fuzzy dark matter
- Warm dark matter
- Sterile neutrino
- Gravitino
Dark matter summary
Lecture III

- Baryon asymmetry of the Universe
- Generalities.
- Electroweak baryon number non-conservation
- What can make electroweak mechanism work?
- Leptogenesis and neutrino masses
Before the hot epoch
Veronica Sanz
Physics Beyond the Standard
Lecture I

- Evidence (DM, Neutrinos, Baryogenesis & Inflation )
- Rationale (Example of Naturalness)
- Models for the Higgs and beyond (Supersymmetry & Composite Higgs)
Looking ahead
Lecture II

Lecture III

Mikhail Vysotsky
Physics and CP Violation
Lecture I + Lecture II + Lecture III
Lecture I

Perturbative QCD as a tool for precision QCD at colliders
Lecture II

In the following we will concentrate on the
perturbative regime of QCD.
In particular, we’ll discuss generic properties of QCD amplitudes
- Soft-collinear divergences (and how they are dealt with)
- Kinoshita-Lee-Nauenberg theorem
- The concept of infrared finiteness
Sterman Weinberg jets
Lecture III

LHC kinematics
Lecture IV

Monte Carlos
Heavy-Ion Physics
Lecture I

go through dierent stages of heavy ion collisions
focus on soft particle production
Lecture II
