Sally Dawson (BNL)
- Electroweak Interactions and Electroweak Symmetry
- Sevil Salur (Rutgers University)
- Heavy Ions

- Liantao Wang (University of Chicago)
- BSM Physics (including SUSY)
- Andrey Korytov (University of Florida)
- Tracking and Muon Detectors
- Tom Junk (Fermilab)
- Statistics
- Frank Petriello (Northwestern)
- An Introduction to QCD
- John Campbell (Fermilab)
- Generators

- Christian Schwanenberger (University of Manchester)
- Top Quark

- Mike Syphers (Michigan State)
- Hadron Accelerators
- Wesley Smith (University of Madison)
- Trigger/DAQ and Data Processing
- Rick Cavanaugh (University of Illinois at Chicago)
- Particles Identification
- Manfred Paulini (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Heavy Quarks (except Top)

- Roni Harnik (Fermilab)
- Astrophysics Connection to Colliders Physics

- Jimmy Proudfoot (Argonne)
- Calorimetry

- Ashutosh Kotwal (Duke University)
- Measuring the Mass of the W Boson
- Tom LeCompte (Argonne)
- How To Discover The Higgs
