Детекторы и оборудование в физике высоких энергий
Detectors and Instrumentation in HEP
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EDIT 2012
Particle Physics and Fermilab
History of Particle Detection
Hadron Collider Detectors
Silicon Tracking Detectors
Cosmic-Ray and Gamma-Ray Experiments
Neutrino Detectors
Data Acquisition and Signal Processing
Medical Applications of Detectors
Astronomical Imaging
High Intensity and Rare Decay Detectors
Cryogenic Detectors
Lepton Collider Detectors
Basic and advanced Electronics
Basic electronics
Analog electronics
EDIT 2011
The challenges in astroparticles
Integrated semiconductor detectors for tracking and energy measurement: how to use new technologies
A critical analysis from past to future techniques in Calorimetry
Trackers and the effect of material on impact parameter and momentum resolution
The energy flow concept: from LEP to LHC (I)
Silicon read-out: where the bugs can hide
Hybrid pixel detectors status and future challenges
Future Developments and Challenges
Photodetection: Principles, Performance and Limitations
Gaseous detectors: present features and future role
Basics of Gas Detectors
Gaseous detectors fundamentals
Silicon strips and pixels technologies - part 2
Application of Silicon in Trackers
Hybrid Silicon Pixel Detectors
CMOS Pixel Sensors
Pixel Detectors in HEP and HI Experiments
Pixel Systems at the LHC
Future Developments and Challenges
Silicon strips and pixels technologies - part 1
Introduction to Silicon Detectors
Data Analysis and Tracking
Radiation Tolerant Silicon Detectors
Detection of scintillation and Cherenkov light from crystals and fibers
Scintillator Fundamentals
Scintillator: applications
Calorimetry: from the basic concepts to the energy flow
Daniel Fournier
Marcella Diemoz
Richard Wigmans