Физика нейтрино

Neutrino Physics
Gomez-Cadenas, J-J (speaker) (IFIC-CSIC-U, Valencia)
Лекция 1  
Лекция 2    
Лекция 3   
Лекция 4   

Neutrino Physics (Физика нейтрино)
Vannucci, F (APC, Paris VII)
Лекция 1
Лекция 2
Лекция 3
Лекция 4

Andrea Romanino
    Neutrino Physics
    Физика нейтрино

Boris Kayser
    Neutrino Physics
    Физика нейтрино

Dr. Ines Gil Botella (CIEMAT)
    Neutrino Physics
    Физика нейтрино

Gabriela Barenboim (University of Valencia)
    Neutrino physics
    Физика нейтрино

Zhi-Zhong Xing (IHEP Beijing)
    Neutrino physics
    Физика нейтрино

Concha Gonzalez-Garcia (Stony Brook & U. Barcelona)
Neutrino Physics
Boris Kayser
Neutrino Physics
Serguey Petcov (SISSA)
Neutrino Physics
Zhi-Zhong Xing (IHEP)
Neutrino Physics
Neutrinos from new physics
Interactions and discoveries
Flavors / families of leptons
The 3X3 Neutrino Mixing Matrix
Neutrino Oscillations in Vacuum
Neutrino Oscillations in Matter
How to Generate Neutrino Mass
3 Typical Seesaw Mechanisms
The Leptogenesis Mechanism
Prof. Pilar Hernandez (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (ES))
Neutrino Physics
Introduction: Neutrinos in the Standard Model
Neutrino masses and mixing : Majorana versus Dirac
Neutrino oscillations in vacuum and in matter
The standard 3ν scenario and its unknowns
Experimental prospects to discover leptonic CP and
determine the neutrino hierarchy
Neutrinos and beyond the Standard Model physics
Serguey Petcov (SISSA)
Neutrino Physics (Физика нейтрино)  
Plan of the Lectures
1. Introduction.
2. Massive Neutrinos, Neutrino Mixing and Oscillations: Overview.
3. Three Neutrino Mixing. Massive Majorana versus Massive Dirac Neutrinos I. Dirac and Majorana CP Violation.
4. Neutrino Oscillations In Vacuum: Theory and Experimental Evidences.
5. Matter Effects In Neutrino Oscillations: Theory. Neutrino Oscillations in the Earth.
CP Violation In Neutrino Oscillations. Flavour Conversions of Solar Neutrinos.
6. Three Neutrino Mixing: the Angle θ13 and Indications for Dirac CP Violation.
7. Open Questions In the Physics of Massive Neutrinos.
8. Understanding the Pattern of Neutrino Mixing.
9. The Absolute Scale of Neutrino Masses.
10. The Nature of Massive Neutrinos.
I. Massive Majorana versus Massive Dirac Neutrinos.
П. Origins of Dirac and Majorana Massive Neutrinos.
Ш. The Seesaw Mechanisms of Neutrino Mass Generation.
11. Determining the Nature of Massive Neutrinos.
12. Future LBL Neutrino Oscillation Experiments on sgn(Δm312) and CP Violation.
13. Conclusions.
Tsuyoshi Nakaya (Kyoto University)
Neutrino Physics (Физика нейтрино)
1. Introduction
2. Discovery of Neutrino mass and mixing
3. Atmospheric Neutrino
4. Solar Neutrino
5. Accelerator Neutrino
6. Reactor Neutrino
7. Neutrino-less double beta decay
8. Cosmic Neutrino
9. Absolute Neutrino Mass
10. Sterile Neutrinos
11. Outlook


Serguey Petcov (SISSA)
Neutrino Physics

Prof. Andre de Gouvea (Northwestern University)
Neutrino and Muon Physics
Gabriela Barenboim


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