Латино-американская школа по физике высоких энергий (CLASHEP-2015)

Jean Iliopoulos (LPTENS)
Field Theory and EW Standard Model
I. A quick glance at the phenomenology of EW Interactions
II. Global and Local symmetries. From QED to Yang-Mills
III. Spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism
IV. The SU(2)×U(l) Model
V. The Standard Model and Experiment
Peter Jenni (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
Experimental Facilities at the High Energy Frontier
Louis Lyons (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
Practical Statistics for Particle Physicists
Louis Lyons (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
Bonus Lecture: "Learning to Love the Error Matrix"
Prof. Benjamin Grinstein (Univ. of California San Diego (US))
Flavour Physics and CP Violation
Daniel De Florian (Laboratorio de Fisica Teorica Departamento de Fisica)
Basics of QCD : Lagrangian and Feynman rules
QCD at work: beta function and running coupling
QCD at work in  e+e
Infrared Safety in QCD
Jets in QCD
Deep Inelastic Scattering
Parton Model
Scaling Violations and Evolution
Parton Distribution Functions
QCD at Colliders
LO calculations : tools and recursions for amplitudes
Why higher orders?
How to do NLO
Automated tools at NLO
Higgs at NNLO and beyond
Resummation : when fixed order fails
Parton Showers
Matching Parton showers and NLO
Christophe Grojean (ICREA/IFAE (Barcelona))
Higgs Physics
Standard Model and EW symmetry breaking
Higgs mechanism - custodial symmetry
Goldstone equivalence theorem
What is the Higgs boson the name of?
SM Higgs @ colliders
UV behavior of the Higgs boson (triviality, stability, naturality)
Symmetries for a natural EWSB
Implications for SUSY
Composite Higgs models
Precision Higgs couplings
Future Higgs channels:
    Boosted and off-shell channels
Kerstin Elena Kunze (University of Salamanca (ES))
The homogeneous universe. The expansion stages of the universe.
The inhomogeneous universe. The cosmic microwave background. Large scale structure.
Dark matter. Dark energy
Eduardo Fraga (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
Heavy-Ion Physics (QCD under Extreme Conditions)
First question you should ask: WHY??
    Motivation and some disturbing facts
Collective effects x “fundamental” physics
Second question you should ask: WHERE??
    Accelerator experiments, astro, early universe
My focus: the EoS
Third question you should ask: HOW??
    Theory, models, etc
Effective model building
Z(N), the Polyakov loop, and confinement
Chiral symmetry breaking
Two examples on relevance and difficulties in exploring the phase diagram
    Chiral magnetic effect and the strong CP problem
    Drawing the phase diagram
Final comments
Prof. Pilar Hernandez (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (ES))
Neutrino Physics
Introduction: Neutrinos in the Standard Model
Neutrino masses and mixing : Majorana versus Dirac
Neutrino oscillations in vacuum and in matter
The standard 3ν scenario and its unknowns
Experimental prospects to discover leptonic CP and
determine the neutrino hierarchy
Neutrinos and beyond the Standard Model physics
Rogerio Rosenfeld (UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR))
Beyond the Standard Model
The reasons for BSM and the agnostic approach
Simple extensions of the Standard Model
Naturalness guided BSM
Xavier Bertou (Centro Atomico Bariloche)
Facilities in Latin America

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